Look at our Training Courses

We provide Self Employment Training in following Technologies and also help students to establish their own businesses.

1. Solar Power Plants Technology - Roof top, Ground Mounted, Floating

2. Biomass Technology- Bio CNG, Bio- Briquetting, Cow Dung, Napier Grass, Lemon Grass, Cassava leaves

3. Hollow Concrete bricks, solid bricks technology business

4. Cow Dung bricks manufacturing business

5. Biomass to coal business setup.

6. Essential Oil manufacturing, Lemongrass oil,  Bio-Pesticide manufacturing business

7. Small Hydro Power projects.

8. Roof top wind turbine manufacturing business

9. Welding Technology

10. Eletric Scooter repair

11. Lithium Battery Manufacturing Technology

Technical Trainings

Training in Renewable Energy Technologies

We provide Self Employment Training to students and old people and help them setup their own business in their prefered areas in India at very reasonable price.

Train to use Natural Resources

We train for use of natural resources to generate useful products for society and earn livelihood.

Clean Energy Technology to Social Cause 

Our training courses are designed to ensure clean environment. We open the minds of students to think in Eco-friendly manner.

Check Our Range of Technical courses

Poly-Technical courses include all modern, new and renewable energy technologies.

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Biomass to Energy Technology
Modern Farming Technology
Solar Power Technology
Rooftop Wind Turbine Technology
Welding Technology


Bio Briquetting
Essential Oils
Cow Dung Bricks

Lithium Battery Manufacturing

Welding Technology

Advanced technology

Biomass to Energy
Biomass to Coal
Waterwheel CAES
Floating Solar

Providing Services for more than 8+ Years (Training Charges Rs.2000/- per month)

We provide Training  in renewable energy, advanced agriculture Technology for last 8+ years.

Minimum Qualification- 10th pass 

Medium of Instruction- Hindi/ English